I have w/ me right now on free vitamin sample from Kramer's Health Foods. The brand of these vitamins is Alive!--w/ the exclamation point--and let me tell you, they're beasts. You take three of 'em and you get, among other things, an amazing one thousand six hundred and sixty-seven percent of you daily allowance of both vitamin C and thiamine and twenty-five hundred percent of your daily allowance of vitamin B6. But that's not all! On top of all that, you get three thousand three hundred and thirty-three percent of your daily allowance of vitamin B12. That's right, you take a few of these babies and even if you don't eat a scrap of food for thirty-three days, you still won't be hurting for vitamin B12. You'll be the envy of the neighborhood for sure. "That Jimmy," they'll say (I'm assuming your name is Jimmy here), "He sure don't know much but damned if he ain't super-charged w/ energy on account of all that B12 he been takin'."