Logical Logbook

My thoughts are worth billions. My logic will end the world.

Monday, April 30, 2007

As you have undoubtedly noticed, my very numerous loyal readers, I rarely post here any more. Quite Frankly, I've gotten a bit tired of it. I mean, what's the point? I just come on here to piss and moan and make fun of people. Nothing too interesting. I will probably post here periodically but my main project, blogwise, is now my guitar building site:

Logical Guitar Manufacturing Corporation

I think that if you enjoy reading this, you will enjoy the guitar site as well even if you're not interested in guitar building specifically.

Monday, April 16, 2007

I have decided I'm going to start using the word "racist" as a term of general derision. "You ate the last slice, you racist!" This should get the blood flowing.