Logical Logbook

My thoughts are worth billions. My logic will end the world.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Due to the mad tech support and network administration I've been up to, I almost forgot everyone's favorite entry, the Weekly Wrapup. I don't know what you'd do w/o me. Here's what I did this week.

  1. Drank a beverage that was half energy drink and half juice. It's everything you might want in a beverage plus half energy drink and half juice, minus beer.
  2. Had numerous difficulties w/ lentils.
  3. Designed.
  4. Misread a product description.
  5. Got an Illinois driver's license.
  6. six six
  7. Was generally grouchy.
  8. Bottled some mead.
  9. Considered how long to wait.
So that's about it--exactly nine things per week for emotional integrity and psychic balance.


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