Logical Logbook

My thoughts are worth billions. My logic will end the world.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I've eaten a lot of ramen noodles lately, let me tell you. I've discovered the best recipe ever and once you've found the best, you tend to stick w/ it. Here's how you do it:

  1. One (1) Package Top Ramen Oriental Flavor (I'm not sure what "oriental" is supposed to taste like but this is the only flavor w/o mutant meat biproducts in it.)
  2. Two (2) Tablespoons Sriracha hot sauce--the finest in the world.
  3. One (1) Tablespoon Peanut butter

Now what you do is put the noodles in a little Tupperware container that you brought from home expressely for this purpose and add enough water that the ramen noodles are floating about a half-inch from the bottom. Microwave this for two minutes and tweny-two seconds and let it sit there for a couple minutes while you drink water out of your coffee cup. Once the noodles are all soft add the seasoning packet from the ramen, stir and add the hotsauce and peanut butter. Mash it all up real good w/ your spoon and go back to your desk to post on your blog.


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