Logical Logbook

My thoughts are worth billions. My logic will end the world.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

I want somebody to give me a lot of money for no reason. It would solve most of my problems almost immediately. There's gotta be someone out there who can part with a couple hundred grand for my sake. Some people have billions of dollars and I have crap.

I went to the art museum like I said I would. It was a good time.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

So I haven't been writing my blog very often. So what?

I'm taking a brief break from looking for a job for a moment and writing this and listening to my Hawthorne Effect CD skip. But I can't take too long of a break or I'll lose my momentum and do nothing all day until I go to the Museum of Contemporary Art later. It's free you know and free things are good for the most part.

I made spaghetti with lamb yesterday. The lamb was supposed to be in meatballs but I made the meatballs out of pre-cooked lamb and they fell apart. It was still good though--very meaty and delicious--much different than if I used ground beef. Try it sometime if you have lamb at your disposal.


Monday, April 19, 2004

Vital stats:

Name: Francis Carson Hays
Alias: Logical Frank, Cozy
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: Dunno, really... 195-210 Lbs depending
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Race: Caucasian
Tattoos and Identifying marks: none
Employment: none