Logical Logbook

My thoughts are worth billions. My logic will end the world.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

I brewed a beer and I drank some beer. That's how I roll.

The last beer I brewed tasted like Pine-Sol if Pine-Sol tasted good. Really sticky resiny hops. Some say it tastes like burning--but baby, it hurts so good.

I have a nice spiced Belgian lager. It's oxidating now and some nice sherry notes are coming out. Soon, it will taste like cardboard. Yay!

Oh yeah... The beer I brewed today is an English-style bitter but made with Yankee Pinko Anerican hops. You see, it's a fight between the vibrant culture of the Americans versus the oppressive hand of the English Government--a war of 1812 of sorts. I stacked the odds in the favour of the Americans in all aspects except spelling.

Yay for Americans!

I like to ride the bus better than the subway. It's normally a more direct rout. Plus, the L is for tourists. Grrrr....

The following bands rule:

The Stooges
Iggy and the Stooges
Queens of the Stoneage
Mondo Generator
Dessert Sessions (not really a band, I guess)
Whatever band John Garcia's in

Writing that made me feel like I was in Jr. High. Good times were had all around. I had a wallet chain in Jr. High and I liked the Melvins, which was sweet. I also liked Nirvana. My mom didn't like Nirvana ("Nir-var-na" in her manner of speaking). She had a bad habbit of walking in the room when I was playing "Rape Me" really loud. "No, mom," I'd explain, "it's an anti-rape song." Seriously.

"Francis Farmer will have her Revenge on Seattle" was also about rape as was "Polly." Hmmmm....

Brother L. Frank
Ordained Minister, the Universal Life Church


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