Logical Logbook

My thoughts are worth billions. My logic will end the world.

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

I think most everything that exists can be sufficiently explained by science, though we don`t have the technology to do so yet. The funny thing about science is that everything we know will inevitably turn out to be wrong to some extent. We can only explain what we have the capability to observe.

Newton was right in that his physics explained the world as he could observe it. Over the centuries that followed, as our ability to observe the universe increased, we found flaws in Newtonian physics and made new theories that are consistent with our new observations, including Einstein`s Relativity among other things. Scientists of today are working and should always be working on proving the scientists of yesterday wrong.

However, I often wonder if maybe somewhere in the deepest black recesses of our existence if there isn`t something that can never be explained, a question that cannot be asked let alone answered. What might this ageless enigma be? God? Who can say?

I sometimes suspect that this problematical conundrum might be locked up somewhere within the law of gravity. We understand how gravity works and have experimental data and observations to prove it. However, we have yet to come up with a reasonable hypothesis for what the mechanism behind it might be, one that we can test and prove scientifically. Newton himself offered no help in this regard. There`s theories, of course, but nothing solid, nothing that could hold up against the inspection of what would undoubtedly every physical scientist on the face of the planet.

Do scientists ever worry that their work might accidentally prove the existence of god thus making them obsolete? I would.


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