Logical Logbook

My thoughts are worth billions. My logic will end the world.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Still in Toledo. Ho hum... I'm getting sick of everybody bugging me about moving to Chicago. It's as annoying as my dad bugging me to get a job, or to move back to Toledo, or to go to grad school, or whatever. I'm going to Chicago. That's that. Deal with it.

Like I said, I did read a bit more of Sometimes a Great Notion. I had actually paid so little attention to the first few pages that I had to reread them to make sure I was following the actions. It seems to be an interesting story and mostly well written aside from this one really awkwardly written part where the author, Ken Kesey, tries to intersperse lines of dialog with lyrics from the song on the jukebox and the thoughts of the main character.

I'll do the same thing with my dentist experience today during which the hygienist talked about my teeth while we listened to Christmas songs on the radio and I worried about my X-rays showing that I had cavities and the drillage it would inevitably lead to:

"You're doing a good job cleaning your teeth you just need to worker harder on your gums."God I hope I don't have cavities showing in that X-ray. "Here comes Santa Claus. Here comes Santa Claus." "Are you flossing every day?"I should've refused to let them take one. "Right down Santa Claus way.""You need to pay better attention to those teeth up front on the bottom."They're gonna drill me. I know it. "Vixen, Blitzen, all his reindeer pulling on the reins."

Elvis and dentistry are not part of my ideal afternoon. No sir.

The movie I rented about the Cuban poet is called Before Night Falls and is actually about Reinaldo Arenas who is both a poet and an author. He's also gay which is a big part of the movie. Being openly gay was part of his rebellion against Castro in Cuba. I liked it though it was a bit long with whole stretches of narration done in Spanish of which I couldn't understand a word (I assume these are some passages that Arenas wrote).

I volunteered to give blood tomorrow. It's a good thing to do. I think it's wrong to leave people bloodless, espcially during the holidays.


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