Logical Logbook

My thoughts are worth billions. My logic will end the world.

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

My beer is fermenting. Whee! It's starting to smell pretty good too. I know it won't be great since I brewed from all extract and I'm only using a single-stage fermentation but it should be OK and that's all I'm hoping for. If you set your expectations low enough, you can't fail.

I got the jet-box for the keg for the party that my friends are having. My only problem is the tap handle says Michelob Light and to me Michelob Light is one of the least acceptable beers on the planet. I'm not sure what beer their getting, I'm hoping Pabst or Stroh's but as long is it's not Amber Bock I'll live through it.

My new years resolution this year is to buy more new music. I buy a lot of old stuff but I'm falling behind on the current musical scene. I should also probably get a job and stuff too.


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