Logical Logbook

My thoughts are worth billions. My logic will end the world.

Monday, November 06, 2006

From time to time someone will walk up to me at work and ask me for somebody's email address. I suppose they could expect me to know assuming that it's someone who works for my company but the queries go far beyond this. This is a common interaction I have:

"Can I get Tom Jerry's email?"
"Tom Jerry. I had it written down but I lost it."
"OK. What account does he work for? I might have it."
"He doesn't work for any of my accounts I just need his email."
"I wouldn't have it unless he was one of our contacts or the head of his agency."
"He doesn't work for an agency."
"Then I don't have it."
"You don't have it?"
"But I need it."

Who Tom Jerry is, I will never know.


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