Logical Logbook

My thoughts are worth billions. My logic will end the world.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


You will never be as good as Philip K. Dick. Give up. It's not worth trying.

Conservative Christians:

Everyone else knows you're money-grubbing assholes. Eventually you'll figure it out too and I hear a false-righteousness hangover is a bitch. You want to live like Christ? Sell your house and stop shopping at Wal-Mart.


Don't bark at me as if you could harm me through the fence. That shit is annoying. Don't make me poke you w/ a stick.

Postal Workers:

Shut up and do your job already. You have it pretty easy, you know. You could be cleaning up sick people's shit in a hospital but instead your dumb-ass gets to stand at a counter and weigh packages. I'm not asking you to be friendly or nice, just stop looking at me like I said I wanted to feast on your first born when all I want to do is send someone a goddamn parcel.

Short People:

Ha! You're short!


Keep it up. You are wildly entertaining to us all and much better at swinging around in trees than anyone else I know. Truly, you are the salt of the earth.


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