Logical Logbook

My thoughts are worth billions. My logic will end the world.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Seven Eleven continually amazes me w/ the particular style of food that the sell there. I have in my own mine created a term for this type of food: Fat Delivery System (FDS). They've always had all the classics--chips, chili dogs, microwave burritos--but there was something new in there that caught my eye, an FDS of extraordinary power.

Now the long time fans here know that I consider myself to be an expert in the field of insane sandwich contruction. I am the inventor of the Masterpiece of Disasterpiece, which is considered a deadly weapon in all forty-eight contiguous states and Puerto Rico and features deep-fried beef bacon and salami as its centerpiece along w/ a veritable slew of other lesser ingredients. Now, I won't say that this sandwich I saw at Seven Eleven could compete w/ my own creations--not even close--but it certainly it ventures in to territory that should not be intruded upon by layman.

The inside filling was nothing out of the ordinary--ham and cheese, no big deal--but at first glance, it appeared to be a slice of pizza. The reason for this is because instead of slices of bread, this sandwich features slices of pizza. For the lowly manufactur of an FDS of the type featured at Seven Eleven, it must be something of a tour de force. Though I must admit, while it's structure has me greatly intrigued and yet I have no intent to eat it due to the undoubtedly low-quality ingredients and shoddy craftmanship.


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