Logical Logbook

My thoughts are worth billions. My logic will end the world.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Over the past few years, I've become obsessed with clocks that read 11:11. Originally, I thought it was a good sign. Supposedly, you can make a wish on 11:11 and it will come true. Of course, that kind of shit never works and my wishes were all selfish and immature anyway so I'm glad they never came true. Still, it's curious how often I look at a clock that happens to read 11:11.

So what does that mean? Nothing probably but, of course, if you try to find meaning in something, you always will. If I listen to my logical leftbrain, I see quickly that I don't even actually see clocks at 11:11 any more often than any other time during my waking day. I want to see a pattern so I do. I know that but still I crave an explanation for the phenomenon even though it doesn't exist.

Contrary to my original impression, a clock reading 11:11 now seems ominous--not threatening really but hardly benevolent. 11:11 is a cheeky grin for a clock to wear, almost a snarl. It disturbs me to the point where I just can't keep my mouth shut. I see a clock reading 11:11, I grumble, "You bastard," or something along those lines. This prompts them to brazenly display their four narrow fangs with all the more cheek.

So here I am defeated by an inanimate object and and overly active desire to create meaning from nothing.

My head hurts.


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