Logical Logbook

My thoughts are worth billions. My logic will end the world.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I brought my lunch today. It tasted great but the quantity I brought was insufficient. I headed off to Seven Eleven in search of a supplement. This adventure lead me to many small defeats.

First, nobody drinks ginger ale anymore so, though I was craving it, I had to pick another beverage if I didn't want to venture from the Seven Eleven. The only rootbeer they had was A&W which I find to be inferior so my second choice was out as well. After perusing through the thirty odd energy drinks they sell there, I settled on juice--pineapple orange. I picked up a bottle and it seemed there were too many ingredients on the label which I figured would read as follows:

Ingredients: pineapple juice, orange juice.

Clearly, this was some insidious juice beverage rather than the real deal. As it turns out, almost all of the juice there was unholy to some degree. I was left w/ the two classics--apple and orange. I settled on apple and went about picking up a snack.

I knew it would be futile to attempt to find something I really liked so I looked about for something not terrible. All of the sandwiches contained ghastly meatlike products. There was a bean and cheese burrito but I didn't see how it could possibly be made of organic material. For some reason, I've always had an affinity for that ungodly nacho cheese you get at ballparks and movie theaters and they have that in spades at Seven Eleven. I picked up a package of chips, opened it and dumped it in the little tray they give you. I placed it under the spigot the cheese comes out of and... nothing. No cheese.

As there were no trash receptacles in the immediate area, I was left w/ something of a conundrum as to what to do w/ the cheeseless chips. I sure as hell wasn't going to buy them w/o cheese and I'll be damned if I was gonna soak them in the chili t of thehat comes out other spigot. Ultimately, I decided it would be least eventful if I just left them there for someone else to take care of. You'd be surprised how often this technique is used to solve problems.

Still, at this point I was snackless. They had donuts and you can't go wrong w/ donuts but these particular ones were looking a bit crusty so I passed. They had these packaged bagel bar things that were little bread sticks stuffed w/ something that undoubtedly only resembled cream cheese. Then there were chips. Mmmmm... chips. I searched the many racks but found most of the bags to be too large for my liking. I need a snack in the middle of the work day not nutrition for sitting in front of the TV for six hours. Eventually I spotted the small bags tucked neatly off in the corner. I grabbed a bag of T.G.I.Friday's Mozzarella Sticks. They tasted pretty much like Cheetos only they were brown. I guess that's OK.

Next time, I'm just gonna tough it out and get some pizza for dinner.


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