Logical Logbook

My thoughts are worth billions. My logic will end the world.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

People shouldn't use more than one of the same punctuation mark in a row. Now, there's times when it looks like you're doing this where it's OK. For example, the ellipsis looks like three or four periods (you use four when you omit a whole sentence) but it's actually one make w/ multiple parts. The dash looks like two hyphens. That's cool too.

Basically, what I'm saying is using more than one question mark or exclamation point makes you look like a toothless retarded child in print.

I'm really not a huge fan of the exclamation point in general. It's like: Look how important I think I am! I'm shouting like an idiot!

And while we're at it, will you people stop using the question mark when things aren't questions for God's sake. Seriously. You use a period after you write "I don't know" unless you are unsure if you know or not--in which case you should probably stop typing and see a doctor.

I know my grammar is hardly perfect, I use the dash obsessively and I never spell out "w/" or use hyphens in words other than ro-bot but I just had to vent.


  • At 9:39 PM, Blogger emily said…

    I really like your blog, Frank. I do admit that sometimes I use more than one (although rarely more than 2) exclamation points in a row. I will try not to do this anymore. Perhaps it offends many.


  • At 4:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Should online writing be held to the same rules as literature?

    It could be argued that conversational writing online can be enhanced through the puncuation you despise. The various forms of puncuation can be used to resemble nonverbal communication.

    Is it then a step foward or a step backward in effective communication?

  • At 4:09 PM, Blogger Logical Frank said…

    Online writing can hold itself to whatever standards it wishes and I'm still free to think it makes you sound childish to use extra punctuation.

    In terms of communication, I think extra exclamation points and question marks are uneccessary and unattractive. Does something w/ additional exclamation points really have more emphasis than something w/ just one? I'm saying know, especially since the people who use more than one exclamation point tend to do it all the time.

  • At 6:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    No need to get defensive. I was merely bringing up a point of discussion. I was not taking a stance.

    I agree with you that all the extra punctuation should never be used in any type of professional communication.

    I also agree that, generally, people who do use excessive punctuation, do so frequently.

    However, I have seen it used effectively by some.


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