Logical Logbook

My thoughts are worth billions. My logic will end the world.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

To my readers--

First, I must apologize for my lack of posting yesterday. As of late my faith that my blog can blow minds and conquer small but important regions of land such as the the coal producing region of Alsace has wavered like a single quill of barley in a windy field. It seems that the literally hundreds of thousands of manhours put into making this thing have been all but lost thus far.

The writing of yesterday's entry has been postponed indefinitely due to an emergency meeting of my highest ranking officials--including the foul smelling Philadelphian contingent. Obviously, this has come together through no small effort and some sacrifices had to be made blogside in order to accommodate such a monumental gathering of minds.

The purpose of this conference was to access the feasibility of continuing to produce such an astounding wealth of knowledge and insight at no cost to the public. Our conclusion is that, unfortunately, the Logical Logbook can remain in production until I get bored w/ it. This might be a long while as I am fully enamoured w/ my own style and wit.

Br. Frank

P.S. Tell your mom to stop calling me. Also--I just finished eating my lunch of two guacamole tacos, refried beans and rice. I figured you would want to know.


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