Dumb people are all annoying but some are more annoying than others. Here's how they rank w/ from least annoying to greatest.
- Type one: Just plain dumb folks. This is your regular Joe who happens to be a bit slow witted--not very annoying at all aside from the occasional moment of exasperation when you try to explain something to them.
- Type two: Dumb people who know they are dumb and constantly apologize for it while thanking you for your help. These are kindly folk who remind me somewhat of Hobbits. The most annoying of them are what you might call a ditz but most are just type one dummies who are aware of the burden they put on the world. Either way, the thanks of a dumb person doesn't mean much to me so I wish they would just go on their dumb way.
- Type three: Dumb people who think they're smart. Now we're getting into the territory where you want to start smacking people. These are the people who get one small tidbit of information and think they know everything even though they misunderstand. I have seen them turn up the TV to try to correct the lip synching on an overdubbed movie.
- Type four: Dumb people who demand that you help them figure every little thing out for you. Seriously. These people need to die. My fallen archnemesis Fraeulein X is a type four.
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