Logical Logbook

My thoughts are worth billions. My logic will end the world.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Well--here I am. I keep eating cookies so I'm not hungry yet I still crave the escape lunch provides. In order to pass time, I will do a little thing I like to call the Weekly Wrapup:

1. Found a letter in my mailbox.
2. Was tickled nearly to death.
3. Stayed late.
4. Spent way too much money on too small amount of beer.
5. Popped open something special.
6. six six
7. Covered some Hungarian oak beans w/ Old Overholt.
8. Got a good idea.
9. Considered doing both batches.

Yep. Lots of stuff going on but never more than my nine things. That would be too stressful for this suburban boy.


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