Logical Logbook

My thoughts are worth billions. My logic will end the world.

Friday, October 14, 2005

They people get what they deserve. The Weekly Wrapup:

1. Read a book while some homeless guy went on and on thanking me for my help and that I might need his help someday.
2. Drank a couple beers.
3. Rocked out in fullness.
4. Brewed a rye beer.
5. Shaved at least a couple times.
6. six six
7. Probably disappointed someone in some way or another.
8. Talked incessantly about Buick Grand Nationals
9. Considered using a bit or crystal malt.

There you have it. That's all I did. As you know, my personal philosophy is to do exactly nine things every week to prevent boredom w/o being stressed.


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