Logical Logbook

My thoughts are worth billions. My logic will end the world.

Friday, August 19, 2005

It is only for you, the reader, that I'm going through the necessary soulsearching to write this Weekly's Wrapup. Here's what I did.

1. Ate chicken.
2. Got an everything bagel w/ cream cheese.
3. Smiled.
4. Had strawberry shortcake for breakfast.
5. Had dessert.
6. six six
7. Got free lunch.
8. Thought a lot about food in general, I guess.
9. Considered something or other.

Some of this is cryptical. Figure it out.


  • At 1:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    one of the things you considered was a life and death matter for me. i'm glad you didn't deliberate too long before lifting me out.


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