Logical Logbook

My thoughts are worth billions. My logic will end the world.

Friday, August 12, 2005

I almost did more than nine things this week and that would have been totally stressful. However, I kept my activities to a minimum the last three days, sitting complacently and watching television, so that everything would fit neatly in the Weekly Wrapup:

1. Set a dime down and picked it up later.
2. Made all the email accounts work except one.
3. Total Detroit.
4. Made some plans, however halfcracked.
5. Duct taped a speaker.
6. six six
7. Ate more salads than you can shake a stick at.
8. Forgot a lot of stuff.
9. Considered just exactly how many ways things could go wrong.

Yep. I gotta admit I'll be glad when the week resets and I can go about doing stuff again.


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