If you look to the right side of your screen here on my little sidebar thing, you'll see I now have a hitcounter so that I can verify as a fact that nobody actually reads this motherfucker. Once I know all my writings are secret, there will be no stopping me. How do you like that!? You don't. You don't even exist.
What I've been listening to:

Previous Posts
- Damnit.
- If you're wondering what nine things I did this we...
- Having blue snot gives you certain superhuman powe...
- I am your new god.
- So people are getting bombed again--this time in L...
- I found that I am quite adept at eating two cherri...
- Everyone's always asking me, "Frank, when are you ...
- Brothers and Sisters of the CTA:Once again, I am d...
- I'm just fucking pissed.
- It feels like Friday because we had band practice ...
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