I'm ashamed that I used to use hyphens. It's such a drity past. I should be decapitated by ro-bots.
What I've been listening to:

Previous Posts
- Some people use pictures of pretty beaches and pal...
- If anyone actually reads this:http://www.myspace.c...
- Well, kids, it's time for the weekly wrapup once a...
- There's something going on outside. I'm gonna go c...
- Another birfday down. Twentyfour. Old.I've got fiv...
- I went to that hotdog joint afterall. It turns out...
- You know, it's my birfday and I want my lunch to b...
- I feel much calmer this morning, thanks. A little ...
- I'm not sure that I know anything anymore but I'm ...
- Fuck it. I'm going for a walk.
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