Logical Logbook

My thoughts are worth billions. My logic will end the world.

Friday, September 09, 2005

I really don't want to do anything but sit here and have a headache but for you, dear reader, I will tell you the exactly nine things I did this week because that's what constitutes the Weekly Wrapup:

1. Ate Morrocan food. I think it was Morracan anyway.
2. Grew bored w/ my job as a doctor. I ran out of patience.
3. Worried about flowers.
4. Worried about dinner too.
5. Didn't lead the boys out of Hamelin by playing sweet music on my pipe.
6. six six
7. Tried to remember something I forgot.
8. Sprayed stuff on my feet.
9. Considered not writing this.

That's all you get.


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